Our Unique Approach
In our Nutrition practice, Dr. Forbess focuses on restoration of the problematic organ or tissue, not managing the condition alone.
For example, with someone who has type 2 Diabetes, Dr. Forbess focuses on restoring normal function to the pancreas. In Diabetes, the pancreas is sick and tired, and does not produce enough insulin. Insulin is the principle substance responsible for keeping blood sugar levels normal.
The medical approach, as well as some in the nutrition field, commonly has one take drugs and/or artificial insulin, which have side effects. This method only slows the downward spiral of the condition, as it does not get to the root of the problem. The MD may or may not even tell the individual what to eat or not to eat. This approach will NOT restore the pancreas, but at best will only manage the condition.
Dr. Forbess’s approach in this example would be to help the pancreas heal itself through natural means, through a variety of natural supplements like vitamins & herbs, plus diet and lifestyle changes as needed. This encourages the pancreas to HEAL itself. The person with a restored pancreas may be able to reduce or eliminate their medications! And that is good news!
Many health problems have similar roots. That is, if the body heals itself the condition may go away!
Two sections are listed below. The first shows some common conditions and organ based condition that may benefit from Dr. Forbess’s approach. Following that are some actual cases that have benefitted from Dr. Forbess’s approach.
Common Conditions that may benefit from Nutrition Care
Disclaimer: It would be unethical to promise or guarantee success with any patient
for their conditions, read our disclaimer. However, we have found high rates of
success with individuals who pass the following measures:
1. Dr. Forbess agrees to accept the person for care. He does not accept every case, only those he feels he may be able to help. If Dr. Forbess does not feel he can help your condition, he will tell you.
2. A compliant patient with 2 way comunications throughout. This means that after discussing his recommendations, you follow through and do your part!
These patients were accepted for care with Dr. Forbess.
These do not consitute a
guarantee of success with everyone.
Each person is unique. The following are given
for informational purposes only**.
Liver Cirrhosis**
This patient was my mother, who was diagnosed with this condition about 7 years ago. She does not consume alcohol. After positive bloodwork, she went to a medical liver specialist in the area. He did further bloodwork and testing, then sent her to the University of Miami (UM), to the top liver specialist in the southeast United States. By this time, I had placed her on a comprehensive diet and supplement regiment. I went with her to the UM liver specialist. She explained her condition and he looked over her bloodwork. He recommended exploratory surgery with a biopsy, and would see her again afterwards. She decided not to go ahead with the surgery initially, and would continue with the natural program I recommended. Her local liver specialist agreed to be supportive of her decision.
When we began, her bloodwork had 13 liver functions tests extremely out of balance. Several were over a 1000% over the normal. Towards the end of the first month she began feeling less nausea. After the third month she went to the local liver specialist and had bloodwork retested. She felt much improved by this time. 10 of 13 tests were normal and one of the final three was almost normal, however the last two were much higher (1500% or more higher). Now, her local liver specialist was very supportive of the nutritional regiment, as he saw proof it was working. At this point, I repeated the nutrition testing we originally performed. The test revealed she no longer needed most of the supplements she had been taking (they did their part). But we discovered she needed several other supplements to take it to the next level. Two months later, blood work revealed ALL normal findings. Her local liver specialist stated he was interested in the approach I had, as he was not accustomed to seeing liver cirrhosis helped similarly in only 5 months, from beginning to end. She never had a repeat of liver condition since that time over 7 years ago.
Uterine Cancer**
This patient was diagnosed with this condition, and given 3 years to live. They had performed a biopsy of the INSIDE of the uterus and found advanced cancer. It was recommended to have the uterus removed, but the patient obtained a second opinion, and did not initially get surgery, nor chemotherapy. She was frightened of the procedure, and her second opinion was ok with her waiting. I saw her shortly after the initial diagnosis. We began with some lifestyle changes, and a number of supplements to bring her body back into balance, to give her body a chance to heal itself. She continued to see her cancer specialist. After almost four months on the natural supplement/lifestyle program (she was very compliant with the changes), a family member convinced her to go ahead and get the surgery to remove the uterus. During the surgery, they also investigated all the lymph nodes in the area, because, due to the stage of cancer it was expected that they would be infected with cancer as well, and this would dictate how aggressive a chemo/radiation therapy would be used. The lymph nodes were clear, no cancer. The uterus had cancer only on the OUTSIDE of the organ, “½ the size of a dime.” There was no more cancer on the INSIDE of the uterus. Apparently, during that 4 months on a natural program, the body began fighting the cancer, and healing the body. Remember, the initial biopsy was from the INSIDE, not the outside of the organ. They fully expected it to be throughout the organ and into the lymph nodes. I suspect that with another month of the natural program, the last bit of the cancer would have been gone as well. The patient did not undergo any chemo or radiation therapy, as the findings were so minimal from the surgery. She was in her late 60's, and lived into her upper 80's when she passed from natural causes.
Diabetes and High Cholesterol**
I had a patient come in after hearing my lecture on how to stop and reverse type 2 diabetes. He had been recently diagnosed with diabetes, but had high cholesterol for 20 years! We evaluated him, and made diet, lifestyle, and nutritional supplement recommendations. After the first month, his cholesterol was now low, and his MD reduced his cholesterol medication. After the second month, with continued improved bloodwork, the MD eliminated cholesterol medication. By the end of third month his blood sugar was normal. Now he was diabetes and cholesterol free! He continued the program to help rebuild and restore the pancreas for several years. He is retired, and now travels the world. That was over 5 years ago, and neither condition ever returned!
A mother and daughter came in with recurrent bronchitis. It seemed to be seasonal in nature. On their examination, also a chiropractic problem was found in the top of the back, from the area that controls lung maintenance and repair. I made recommendations of diet and supplement changes, plus several chiropractic treatments to improve the nerves affecting the maintenance and repair of the lungs. Between the nutritional and chiropractic changes the bronchitis left within a few days.
Acid Reflux**
A patient came in with acid reflux related to a stomach hiatal hernia, and was scheduled to have surgery for it. This was robbing her of energy, and she found even eating small amounts caused her much pain from the reflux. After getting more information from her, she was placed on a special diet and supplement program. Within 4 days, her condition began to improve. I recall her leaving a five minute message while we were out, about how much better she felt. She never had to have the operation.
**DISCLAIMER - Although there are never guarantees of success given, many people benefit from alternative nutritional care. I always encourage patients to retain their supportive medical treating physicians, and often these providers are amazed at results, without using drugs or surgical intervention. Never discontinue your medications without medical supervision, and only as objective proof (bloodwork, etc.) convinces your MD that it is safe! Back to Examples