Body Transformation.
Isn’t That What You Want?
Carrying extra fat is hard. It weighs you down, makes everyday tasks challenging,
and affects your confidence. Losing fat can be even harder!
If you’ve ever tried losing fat, getting in shape, or simply leading a healthier life-style, you know how hard it can be to see results.
No matter how much you starve yourself, no matter how many hours you sweat at the gym, there are always stubborn areas that simply do not respond to dieting and exercise.
Inside Outside
We have a method that will help you to transform, safely, within a matter of days and weeks!
Using natural, safe light, herbs and a few diet changes, you will see results on the first day, and even more changes within a few days!
Pants, shirts, and clothes will fit better, and you’ll be looking for a new wardrobe within a few weeks! Plus you’ll feel better than you have in years!
How is it possible? There are NO drugs,
NO starvation diets, NO surgery,
just a
whole new YOU!
Inside? Outside?
We carry our fat in various places. We don’t usually like seeing it on our lower belly, arms, chest or legs. Too much fat can cause serious health conditions if it is inside the abdomen, around the heart, or in the liver. Often we don’t know it is there until we have a heart, lung or liver condition.
Using different methods you can get us the results you want, and help your health to boot!
Outside In
Part 1: The first part is using our new UltraSlim Fat Loss Laser System. We can guarantee fat loss immediately! (We will measure before and after the treatment to show you!)
An average 32 minute (Four 8-minute sessions) therapy for the belly removes an average of 3.5 inches.
That’s over 9,000 calories lost (almost 3 pounds)!
In 32 minutes!
You’ll feel and see the difference! It is very safe, being in the same FDA classification
as a tongue depressor.
Side Effects: None
Our most popular UltraSlim therapy is our BellyBuster procedure. Using this technology, you repeat the laser therapy once weekly until you achieve your goal. Often you only need 4-6 therapy to achieve great results you can see, and feel. We can use it to remove fat from many other parts of the body as well.
See our website at or
Inside Out
Part 2: Using diet and special herbs, you can clean up from the inside out, shedding pounds from the abdomen, heart and other body parts.
Dr. Forbess uses a system that detoxifies the liver and other structures, and along with a good diet, you’ll shed 7 or more pounds weekly! It is very safe and easy!
We recommend a 7 or 28 day program.
When we expose the laser light to your fatty areas, the fat cells open small pores, allowing fat to drain out, and this fat is transported to the liver, which gets it out of the body. Now, research reveals these pores stay open for up to 72 hours following the UltraSlim therapy is performed. We make sure you are using the minimal diet changes, coupled with the special herbs encourage the fat to be sucked out of your body at a more rapid rate. It acts like a giant vacuum cleaner, sucking out the fat at a fantastically fast rate, so that injust a few days, you’ll be many pounds lighter.
In other words, The laser light loosens the fat cells, coupled with the diet and herbs, creates a vortex of fat removal, unlike anything you’ve ever experienced!
And best of all, it’s safe!
We’ve found you lose more than either method on it’s own!
12-15 lbs the first week is achievable!!
For help and information, come in to our seminar with Dr. Forbess, scroll down, to find out more!
(954) 434-3000
Ultimate Weight Loss System
Final January Seminar!
Saturday January 25, 2020 10:30am Morning
Seating Limited!
Call to Reserve!
Free Gift to all attendees!
Why wouldn't you want to lose a pant size over your lunch break!!
Ultimate Weight Loss System
Final January Seminar!
Saturday January 25, 2020 10:30am Morning
Seating Limited!
Call to Reserve!
Free Gift to all attendees!
Weight losses are not guaranteed. Much has to do with your following the program. Dr. Forbess will inform you what is achievable at his evaluation. You’ll get out what you put into the program. The UltraSlim two inch promise is guaranteed. Details are available at the office.